29 Nov - 16th December Opening Thursday 29th November
“The first mouthful of each tree’s fruit holds the flavor of soil, the rain, the air and all of the glorious variables of the four seasons of a particular year.”
In Return Felicity Gordon responds to seasonal adaptations caused by a warming climate and our corporeal relationship with nature. A series of paintings and a site-specific installation charts the beauty of pumpkin plants as they morph from a food source to seed depository. The plants hover dry in suspension as a kind of eternal garden neither alive nor dead. They remind us of our close relationship with and dependence on the natural world.
The installation Still draws gallery visitors close to nature as it displays organisms, plants and organic matter glazed between sheets of glass. The work is a virtuous loop of naturally occurring cycles of growth, decomposition and renewal. Inga Simpson, Mr Wigg, Hachette Australia, 2013
